PT. Sanshuiwater Asia

Shuichem bc-012

Liquid disinfectant Disinfectant


Shuichem BC-012 is a liquid that is ready to be decomposed in the water for later release oxygen and chlorine, has a strong chlorine scent.

Shuichem BC-012 is mainly used as a disinfectant. This compound is a component used in commercial bleach, cleaning solvents, and disinfectants for drinking water, water purification systems, and swimming pools.

Application / Function

Shuichem BC-012 is a chlorine source, used for public health treatments such as: the sanitization of drinking water, sewage, waste water, swimming pools and spas


  • effective sanitizer used for a variety of purposes.
  •  contains a high concentration of available chlorine.
  • capable of controlling pathogenic and nuisance microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and algae
  • fast-acting sanitizer protecting the swimming pool, bather, and consumer by treating the water
  • deodorize and remove organic contaminants that can affect the clarity and color of the water.


Form                                      : Liquid

Appearance                        : Clear to Yellowish to Greenish Color

Odo                                       : Odor of “bleach’

Specific Gravity                   : 1.10-1.30

Flash Point                            : none


Terms of Use

swimming pools start-up, 25  to 50 ppm available chlorine and maintain at 1.0 ppm to 1.5 ppm;  drinking water, 1.0  ppm available chlorine; waste water, 2.5 ppm; pulp  and paper mill process water, 25 to 50 ppm initial dose and subsequent  dose of 5 ppm available chlorine.

To the right dose can be consulted on our


IBC Tank 1000ltr , drum 200 ltr , 25 ltr Pail